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Jerry Storvick
A faculty Icon
12-31-1929 to 3-3-2018
We were fortunate to have many excellent teachers at Clover Park High School. Each of us has 2 or 3 or more who we can remember as our favorites or has someone who made a special impact our life. If we were able to see a list of all of our classmates showing those teachers, my guess is that Jerry Storvick would be mentioned often and maybe most often.
Jerry was not only a good Social Studies and Contemporary Affairs teacher, he made every class day fun and interesting. And he had a way about him of making every person he spoke with feel that they were a special person. And, Jerry really did feel that we each had something special to offer. Each of us who had Jerry as a teacher, or simply knew him has a fondly-remembered incident or experience to recount.
If you have something to share that you remember about Jerry, please take the time to put it in the "Blog" section.
Here is the Obituary that appeared in the Tacoma and Olympia newspapers this past weekend.

Jerry Storvick, 88, was born in Albert Lea, MN on 12-31-1929. He died on 03-03-2018 in Lacey, WA. Jerry attended high school in Albert Lea, MN and then spent four years in the U.S. Navy. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and the University of Wyoming with a Master of Education in Educational Guidance. He worked as a teacher, a high school counselor, and a public services coordinator from 1957-1990. He held local, state, regional, and national offices in counseling services to high school students. He is survived by sister-in-law, Lynn Storvick, and family in Columbia, MO. He appreciates family, neighbors, friends, students, their families, and staff with whom he worked. He wishes everyone could receive as much personal satisfaction and gratification from their choice of life work as he did. "Always look for the good in others. It is there," he was known to say. No local services are planned. Interment will take place at Round Prairie Lutheran Church in Glenville, MN.
Published in The Olympian on Mar. 11, 2018