E-mail or mail us any photos you have with names and notes about them.  We'll put them in a photo album on this page.   We'll return your photos after we scan them.  Thanks!

Send the photos to Rich Longstreth at:   (for e-mailed attachments)

or, mail your photos on CD or a USB flash drive to Rich at his home address.

       (Email me for my mailing address at )

NOTE:  You can copy and paste any of the photos directly from the website.  Just put the cursor on the photo, do a right mouse click and select "Copy".  Then you can paste it into a Word document.  Once you create the photo in a Word document, you will be able to print it out or email it as an attachment.


June 5th Lunch Event Photos

ATTENDEES:  Gary and Helga Thomas, Don Alsbury (Eileen), Jim McCoy (Cindy), Art Barrett (Shelee), Rich Burnite, JoMary Schmaltz Thompson (Dave), Bill Baty (Elaine), Rosellen Sieg Paolino (daughter Susan), George Kelley (Marilyn), Susie Strickland Iverson, Dave Paup (Joanne), Rich Longstreth (Judy), Gail Lewis Kieffer (Lin), Charlie Siegmund and Linda Burgoyne Bassett, Ann Cook Darrah (Mike).  Nearly everyone at the event is shown in a photo, below. 


The luncheon was held at The Ram restaurant in Lakewood. It provided an ideal venue for us.  We had a private room that was large enough to comfortably accommodate the 28 people who attended.  The windows were large and let in a lot of sunshine.  The service was excellent.  The salad table was kept supplied.  Individual orders were taken when requested.  Parking was convenient, and the entry to the restaurant was level with no stairs making it easy to enter for those with crutches, walkers, or wheelchairs.  

February 8, 2024 Lunch Event

This February 8th lunch event was held at the popular Ram Restaurant in Lakewood. It was well- attended and everyone was relaxed, in good spirits, and chatty.  The setting was perfect for the occasion.  Lots of windows and sunlight.  A crackling fireplace was a pleasant addition to the ambiance.  It was good to see Charlie Bergeron and Mary Sue.  Both were their usual engaging selves.  Dave Paup, who hadn't been to an event since the 50th, was there with a lot of people lined up to see our old friend.  Dave has a cookie business that offers a wide selection of very creative cookies.  If you're curious, go to his website .  We encouraged him to come to our next event and bring some of those delicious cookies.  We hope to see you at the next event in early June.  Take care.  Be healthy.  Stay safe.  Go Warriors!

64th "Reunion" Lunch Event
63rd Reunion Luncheon
60th Reunion
Group Photo 1
Group Photo 2
Charlie B chatting
Art, Rich, & Jim
The Women!
Some of the Group
55th Reunion Picnic at the TC&GC
50th Reunion Dinner Photos 1-100
50th Reunion Dinner Photos 101-200
50th Reunion Dinner Photos 201-244
50th Reunion Picnic Photos
50th Reunion Photos from Rich Burnite
Henry T. Schatz Branch - Boys & Girls Club
August 2010 Picnic
Susie Fogg 1957 Images
Bert Johnson and Tom Gladstone partying with the gang. This is one of several photos submitted by Helen Bitar.
“Helen Bitar’s Photo Memories from the 50’s”

This is a treasure trove of photos that Helen has kept from her early years with classmates during the 1950s.   She has been a professional writer and has a strong artistic nature.  So photos like this are special keepsakes for her and something that she wants to share with you and hopes that you will enjoy these photo memories as much as she has.

Dressing up and having fun just hanging out
Dressing up and having fun just hanging out
Helen loved cheerleading
Helen loved cheerleading
Senior boys enjoying a quiet lunch in the lunchroom
Senior boys enjoying a quiet lunch in the lunchroom
"Career Planning" at Sally Quinn's House
Innocent fun
Innocent fun
More innocent fun
More innocent fun
Helen enjoyed  Mr. Trelor's class
Helen enjoyed Mr. Trelor's class
They helped us to learn to dance properly
They helped us to learn to dance properly
Helen hanging with Bill Fogg on the porch of a nearby log cabin
Helen hanging with Bill Fogg on the porch of a nearby log cabin
Donnie & Susie and Nick & Kathy kickin back at a party
Donnie & Susie and Nick & Kathy kickin back at a party
Judie, Ann, and Kathy celebrating Jo Mary's birthday
Judie, Ann, and Kathy celebrating Jo Mary's birthday
Where are the Wailers when you need them?
Where are the Wailers when you need them?

Now that we've been elected, what do we do??

Mr. Aden ran a tight ship.

Okay ladies, let's rock!

Ann, JoMary, and Casey having fun pulling taffey.

Linda and Ben and Dave and Judy - our popular future married couples.

He never met a hand he didn't want to shake.

Of course, we are always this elegant.

Our very cool Junior Class cheerleaders.

On their way to or from somewhere???

Snacking with buddies while working on problems for calculus and chemistry classes??

Susie and JoAnn in a happy moment.

Susie Norman and John Callas just hangin' out.

Those lawn parties were so exhausting!

The younger version of dressing up.

Looking sexy is sooo much work.

We're just havin a little harmless fun out here.  You mean, outside, in your jammies?

Two Susies and a Kathy have a secret and they're not tellin. 

Darn! Weren't there any boys invited to this party?

What's the camera doing in the sink?

Wow!  Is that Johnny Greek of the Wailers who just walked in?

Who was supposed to bring the chairs?